Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chayote Squash

1 comment:

  1. This edible plant (aka christophine, chocho, merliton, Mexican squash) belongs to the same family than squashes, melons and cucumber. Also great on sandwiches... or eaten as celery sticks...
    2 chayotes .2 chicken breasts, 1 thick piece ham , 6 slices mozzarella cheese, 3 cloves garlic, creme, chipolte sauce.
    Boil 2 chayote's and 2 chicken breasts until tender, 45 minutes , remove chicken after 25 mins.
    Peel chayote, cut them in half, discarded seeds and cut in slices. Shred chicken.
    Blended some chipotle pepper (O.K. There are no Chiplote chili's in Utah, Buy the sauce and add to your level of heat..:) with 1/2 cup heavy cream and 3 garlic cloves.
    Sauté 1/2 onion, 1 or slices of ham cut in 1 1/2" pieces, and 1 1/2 cup shredded chicken over olive oil. Added the chipotle mix. Season.
    Arranged in a baking dish alternately chayote, mozzarella cheese slices and meat in layers.
    Baked for 25 minutes at 350° F.

    Buen provecho!


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